Recycle Data-bearing Devices Risk-free
CEWS offers complete chain-of-custody for risk protection during certified
Corporate eWaste Solutions (CEWS) provides safe and effective management of confidential data on computers and other electronics, ensuring complete data destruction and chain of custody. CEWS data destruction processes, from collection to asset serial number tracking to data destruction and reporting, are by strict NIST 800-88 Rev1 standards, protecting your organization during the decommissioning of sensitive IT assets
Certified Standards for On-site & Off-site Destruction

Our operations follow the Department of Defense (DoD) 5220-22-M guidelines to protect your sensitive information. Data-bearing Hard drives (HDD) or flash drives that require physical destruction are either “punched” or shredded. It is the most common level of data destruction, which most often meets or exceeds

Non-data bearing equipment can be decommissioned by either hand dismantling or shredding the product to render it obsolete and unusable. Hand dismantling allows for materials harvesting for reuse and recycling purposes. Shredding allows for total product destruction. Recycled commodities allow CEWS to maintain a Zero
Certified Data Security Operations
Don’t compromise data-bearing devices during decommissioning. CEWS provides full chain-of-command, transparent tracking, and
Transparent Asset Tracking & Reporting
CEWS’ online portal gives our customers immediate and secure access to all asset disposition records. Our customer dashboard provides access to view or download all company status reports, including materials’ designation status as recycled, remarketed, or purchased. Customers can access their information at
CEWS’ customers receive a monthly Landfill Diversion Report. Additionally, CEWS provides Calrecycle and DTSC
For all IT assets designated for refurbishing and reuse, devices are “wiped clean” using strict NIST 800-88 R1 guidelines. Currently, CEWS is refurbishing donor-designated laptops for giving back to the community through our

- Department of Defense (DoD) 5220-22-M (Three-pass or Five-pass Overwrite)
- USA National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Time to get sustainable? We're here to help.
- NDedicated Account Manager
- NEasy Scheduling Support
- NOn-site or Off-site Data Destruction Services
- NIT Asset Inventory Reporting
- NEnd-to-end Logistics Support
- NRevenue-share or Give-back Opportunities
- NFree E-Waste Recycling Included

Certified Data Destruction
Customers have the option of:
- Full chain-of-custody during data-bearing device transfer, or
- On site witnessed destruction prior to removal
Both options receive issued Certificates of Destruction including reporting of serialized units and weight.
Recycle with peace of mind.